Fully Stocked Pharmacy

In-house and online pharmacies for your convenience. New Layer RX In-Hospital Refill Vetsource Home Delivery
A green heart shape on a white background symbolizes the compassionate care provided by dedicated veterinarians.

RX In-Hospital Refill Rx Refills Vetsource Home Delivery Our pharmacy located within our facility is well-equipped with a comprehensive range of safe and approved medications, supplements, parasite preventatives, and prescription food and treats.

Furthermore, Roosevelt Animal Hospital is delighted to offer access to our Vetsource online pharmacy, in addition to our on-site pharmacy. They collaborate closely with us to ensure your pet receives the necessary medications from a reliable source, while also providing competitive prices and often free deliveries.

Importantly, when you make a purchase directly from us or our pharmacy partner, you can have peace of mind knowing that the products have been handled appropriately, thus preserving all manufacturer guarantees.
A shelf with pet care products, featuring Glandex anal gland support chews recommended by veterinarians, a small jar with a dog illustration, and a tube of pet care cream. Additional items are partially visible on the lower shelf, including bottles and containers.